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Ghetto-Getters are a type of Go-Getter, just smaller and quicker to make. They are made from small sections of drinking straw, sealed at one end and filled with a star composition.


[edit] Materials

Casing: A length of Drinking straw is used as the casing, about 0.5" to 1.0" in length. If you make them too long, they will fall to the ground still burning.

Tools: A rammer and glue gun help with construction.

Propellant: Any colour dry star composition

Other: If you don't have a glue gun, a small amount of kraft paper can be used instead.

[edit] Construction

First, seal one end of the drinking straw with glue, or ram in some craft paper.

Then fill the straw with dry star composition layer by layer, ramming the composition after every scoop. You do not need to ram in the powder with a hammer or mallet, as it should be well secured just with hand pressure.

Place inside a shell, star mine, rocket, or what ever else you fancy

[edit] Spinning Ghetto-Getters

To make a Spinning Ghetto-Getter, all you need to do is replace the star composition with lift charge. The amount of thrust caused by the burning lift charge makes them wiggle and spin in random directions. You can add a small core which causes it to propel itself over 10ft with a loud "whoosh" like a rocket. You can add 5%-10% metal powder to create sparks. You could also add a flash header so that they finish with a nice bang.

Alternatively you can glue very thin wooden sticks to the side, in which case you end up with micro bottle rockets which are great fun to release in large numbers, or to to fire from model aircraft if your feeling adventureous.

[edit] Video

A video of a small starmine with Spinning Ghetto-Getters inside

A video of cored Spinning Ghetto-Getters with a short delay

A video of a Ghetto-Getter filled with sulphurless Bp

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